Minha casa própria | Campanhas | Campanha do Bem
R$ 0,00
Meta: R$ 100.000,00

Sobre esta Campanha

Me My Name is Ronná Yawanawa, im 33 years old, I’m a young student and one of the representa=ves of the Yawarini Village. I’ve travelled some of the world taking a liBle of my culture of my tribe and the strength of the forest that comes with my ancestors. Travelling is very hard work but very gra=fying and rewarding, because it is through this work that I have

developed many improvement projects for my community, and today through these words I come to ask for the help of my friends for a personal dream. This dream is to build my house because currently I live in my brother’s house, because I have not managed to get the resources for it, everything I have goBen I have invested in the village infrastructure and buying what we need to have a beBer quality of life in the forest. Building a house in the village is not an easy task due to the difficul=es of access, which is only by river, making it much harder to get the construc=on and raw materials and increasing the cost. This includes paying for the fuel for transporta=on, the payment of the boat drivers and many other costs involved in this project. I have been figh=ng for this dream for many years, because every =me I receive friends who come to visit me in my village, I feel like I need a house to welcome them and make them cozier and at home with me. As much as the village has pousadas, my closer friends I like to receive them directly in my own home. As simple as this dream is, I want to share it here and ask for any help that would be welcomed and appreciated. Any help provided with make a lot of difference no maBer the amount given. The truth and clarity in my words expresses the size of my feeling of gra=tude to each friend who in any way will contribute to the realizaion of this dream. 

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R$ 0,00
Meta: R$ 100.000,00

