Lend your helping hand to ESPERANTINA TO and Neighborhood | Campanhas | Campanha do Bem
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Meta: R$ 0,00

Sobre esta Campanha

At this moment the river is 11m above its margins, the people have lost their roof , their year worthy plantation, their herd of  pigs, sheep, cattle, and chickens. The ones who fled their homes because the waters was invading  are being sheltered at school patios at this moment. Our neighbors are gathering and helping  by making meals and bringing to the sheltered and the ones who are everyday helping save what its found. But there is only so much we can do within our reach.  You can help by donating. Your donation  will  help with meals, rebuilding shelters, and clothes, and restarting anew again.  Anything you can donate helps , $10 dollars from you is 5 meals here. 

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  • <%doador.name%>
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A Campanha do Bem é uma empresa engajada no combate às fraudes na internet.

R$ 0,00
Meta: R$ 0,00

